This is your guide to the best online real estate schools in Washington DC. We help make your choice easy.
Getting a real estate license is a huge step for anyone trying to start a new phase in life. There are many options to consider and choices to make and it can be easy to get in over your head. Fortunately, there are a huge variety of online real estate schools in Washington DC that can help you through the questions and uncertainty.
One of the most important things that you should know before going in is what type of learner you are. Depending on your learning style and schedule, you will want to pick a school that will be able to accommodate you. To help you with this, we have compiled a list of the best online real estate schools in Washington DC.
1. Colibri Real Estate: Best Online Real Estate School In Washington DC
Over the course of 25 years, Colibri Real Estate has helped over 350,000 students get their real estate license. Due to this longevity, they have a huge amount of experience in the business of selling real estate as well as teaching others how to do it. In an industry that values experience as much as the real estate industry does, this is incredibly important.
Because of their wealth of experience, they have been able to design their courses to be as accessible as possible. This is definitely something to look for in a real estate school in Washington DC. In an industry that is so detail-oriented, it is important that the classes are easy to understand.
The most basic package at Colibri Real Estate comes in at just $165. This is by far the cheapest way to satisfy the education requirements of Washington DC. This package also includes support from an instructor who has been working in DC and understands the specifics of the area.
The next package up is focused on exam preparation. You must not only pass the final exam for your online real estate courses in Washington DC, you must also pass the DC real estate salesperson exam. This package will give you the preparation you need to feel comfortable during both of these tests.
Colibri Real Estate also offers an exam preparation package that includes one very valuable feature; an instructor Q&A. During this Q&A, you can have a face to face session with an instructor who knows the subtleties and quirks of the Washington DC real estate market. Many students find this Q&A to be the most helpful portion of their real estate classes in Washington DC.
The ultimate learning package at Colibri Real Estate includes everything that the other packages include with one important difference. This package also includes your first license renewal. At just $285, this package could end up saving you quite a bit of money in the long run as well as keeping all your entire real estate licensure needs under one roof.
All of the packages offered by Colibri Real Estate Colibri Real Estate come with two ebooks on DC real estate. These books will not only help you through your real estate education, they can also be a helpful reference throughout your entire career. They are specifically written for the DC real estate market and can be valuable things to have on hand as refreshers.
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2. The CE Shop: Online Real Estate Courses In Washington DC
The CE Shop has been helping students through the process of real estate licensure for years. Their unique approach to real estate education has been time tested and approved by thousands of former students. No matter what type of learner you are, they have the ability to help you understand the ins and outs of Washington DC real estate.
In a survey of former students, The CE Shop has found that 96% of them have been satisfied with their experience. This means that whether or not they passed or went on to have successful real estate careers, they still felt that they got the best possible education. That kind of student satisfaction is key in maintaining a quality education system.
In Washington DC, you must complete 60 hours of real estate education. This includes curriculum on DC real estate practices and principles as well as laws and regulations specific to the area. The CE Shop is able to present this material in an accessible and easy-to-understand format.
One of the ways that they present these 60 hours of education is through different packages. These packages are catered to individual learning styles and priced accordingly. By knowing how you learn best, you can choose the right package for your particular situation.
The first package they offer consists only of the required courses to complete your educational hours. This package is specifically catered to people who already have a basic understanding of real estate law and practices. At just under $300, this is one of the cheapest education packages you will find on the market.
The standard package is a little bit more comprehensive but still very affordable. This package includes all the courses you will need as well as exam prep and a pass or no pay guarantee. This guarantee is one of the more valuable things that an online real estate school in Washington DC can offer. It not only could save you money, but it could also give you peace of mind throughout the entire process.
The CE Shop’s value package is much more comprehensive and involved than some of the other online real estate classes in Washington DC. It not only includes all the exam prep as well as the pass or no pay guarantee, it also includes a complete business building course. At $340, this package is very valuable for not only getting your license but growing your career as a real estate agent.
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3. Weichert Real Estate School: DC Real Estate License Class
Weichert Real Estate School operates a little bit differently than some of the other real estate schools in Washington DC. Many of the online real estate schools in Washington DC we have covered so far use on demand, independently guided lessons with a little bit of instructor support. While this can be a perfectly acceptable system for many, some students are going to need a little extra help.
Instead of just sending you a few videos and PDFs, Weichert Real Estate School offers complete webinar style classes. This allows you to take your courses online while still getting an in-person class experience. If you are the type of learner who benefits from working with other students and an actual instructor, this could be the best choice for you.
One of the other things that sets Weichert Real Estate School apart from the pack is their textbooks. Other online real estate schools in Washington DC will only offer digital copies of their materials. However, with Weichert Real Estate School, they will ship you hard copies of these texts.
Studies have shown that students who work with actual paper textbooks retain more information and do better on exams. Because of the complex topics involved with getting your real estate license, any sort of an edge is incredibly valuable.
Because of the structured nature of their courses, this is one of the fastest ways that you can get your real estate license. The webinar courses cover all the curriculum in just two weeks. This means that you could be well on your way to selling Washington DC real estate within a month if you are so inclined.
Weichert Real Estate School Only offers one package for completing their courses. At just over $230, this package includes everything you need as well as the hard copies of the textbooks. At such a low price, this is a great deal for anyone who would like the in-person classroom experience without having to leave the house.
While they do not offer a pass or no pay guarantee, you may not need it as much as you might with the on-demand, independent courses. With the help of an in-person instructor, you can feel much more prepared and ready to take the real estate exam without having to rely on a pass or no pay guarantee.
Real Estate License Requirements in Washington DC
In order to get your real estate license in Washington DC, you must have a high school diploma or equivalent and you must not have failed the real estate exam within the last year. If you can satisfy those requirements, you can then complete your 60 hours of education at one of the real estate schools in Washington DC listed above.
Once you have completed your 60 hours of education, you must pass the course’s final exam. Once you have done that, you are ready to move on to the Washington DC real estate salesperson exam. Many people find this to be the most nerve-wracking part of the process, but if you have done your due diligence you should not run into any problems.
After passing the two exams, you must then apply for your Washington DC real estate license. This process can take some time so it is important that you submit all of your paperwork as soon as possible. Once you receive your license, you can start selling real estate in Washington DC.
Final Thoughts
While getting your real estate license is by no means easy, there are so many ways that you can get help through the process. By reading this list of the best online real estate schools in Washington DC, you have already started yourself on the right path. The only thing left to do is get started and start preparing yourself for your new career.