Getting a real estate license in Ohio can be a valuable and rewarding undertaking no matter who you are. With so many opportunities opening up in the real estate market, there are commissions to be made around every corner. Before that can happen, though, you have to ensure that you are starting off on the right path.
In this article, we have gathered the best online real estate schools in Ohio. With this information, you can find the best online real estate school at which to complete the required 120 hours of education. Knowing your learning style and your schedule can help you make the right decision for your circumstances.
1. The CE Shop: Online Real Estate Courses in Ohio
The CE Shop is one of the most popular real estate schools in Ohio. They have been working with students with all kinds of different backgrounds and educational needs. Because of this, no matter what kind of learner you are, they will have a course package that is designed to be accessible to you.
Students who have used The CE Shop to get their real estate license in Ohio have reported a 96% satisfaction rate. This means that even if they have not gone on to be successful real estate agents, they have felt that the classes there were informative and worth their time and money. This kind of customer satisfaction is not only rare in the real estate education world, it is rare in all education.
In Ohio, you must complete 120 hours of real estate education. This will cover things like real estate laws and practices specific to the state of Ohio. The CE Shop has experience in all things Ohio real estate and will be able to impart all the necessary information to you through their online classes.
The CE Shop offers online real estate courses in Ohio that are broken up into four different categories. These consist of things like principles and practices, real estate law, finance, and appraisal. All of these subjects will not only be relevant in the Ohio real estate exam, they will be relevant in your actual work with clients.
The CE Shop offers a wide variety of packages that are catered to different schedules and learning styles. By choosing one that gets you everything you need as a student, you can set yourself up for success in the most efficient way possible. This is a great way to get a real estate education that will keep its value as you move forward in your career.
The most basic package offered by The CE Shop will cover all the required hours that are necessary to take the real estate exam. This is a good package if you are fairly confident in your knowledge and abilities as a student. It is important to note that this package does not include any extra test preparation.
The CE Shop’s standard package includes the courses as well as some extra text prep and a pass or no pay guarantee. This means that if you do not pass your courses, you will not have to pay your school tuition. This guarantee is not offered by all online real estate schools in Ohio and could be a great help if you are unsure of your academic abilities.
The value package is one of the most comprehensive packages offered by any online real estate schools in Ohio. At just $1,100, it includes everything you need to be as prepared as possible as well as extra business building courses. These courses could be invaluable if you are just starting out in the world of real estate and need a little bit of extra help getting going.
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2. Hondros: Best Online Real Estate School In Ohio
Hondros has been in the business of professional education for more than 50 years. Their wealth of experience has resulted in online real estate classes in Ohio that are easy to understand and accessible to people from all kinds of backgrounds.
Since Hondros has been teaching for so long, their instructors are able to benefit from many years of honing the curriculum. This allows for an incredibly streamlined process that will make getting your real estate license in Ohio much easier. If you are a busy student who doesn’t have a lot of time for questions or ambiguity, they could be a great option.
Hondros offers their courses in a live streamed, webinar style format. This is a great format if you are someone who likes to learn with others alongside you. Many students feel that having others present forces them to retain more information and do a better job of studying and taking the exam.
When looking for online real estate schools in Ohio, you might be wondering what courses you need to take and the best ways to take them. Luckily, Hondros has put together many different package options for you to choose from. No matter what type of learner you are, the odds are they will have a package that is designed just for you.
Since the real estate classes in Ohio can be broken up into separate chunks, Hondros has done just that. Instead of taking a bundle of courses all at once, you can take them individually and at your own pace. This means that you could pay for them as you take them instead of all at once. This is a great help for students who may not be able to pay for all of their classes up front.
If you are interested in bundling the courses, you can do so with Hondros real estate school. By bundling the courses, you could also save yourself money in the long run. They offer two bundle packages that will cover all of your education requirements.
The Career Start package includes the required education hours as well as a few extras. These extras include things like an ebook on social media and employment networking opportunities. At just under $1,500 it is right in the middle of the price spectrum of the real estate programs in Ohio.
The Set for Success package has everything that is included in the Career Start package with a couple of differences. This package includes the CompuCram online exam prep and an Alumni membership that could be very valuable in creating leads and contacts you may not otherwise have access to. At just under $1,600, the price difference is negligible and could be worth it for the right student.
Hondros offers features to their students that other Ohio real estate schools just don’t. Their extensive alumni program is designed to help you get in touch with other agents and brokers in Ohio. This kind of networking is incredibly valuable to a new real estate agent and could be a huge selling point if you are just starting out in the business.
Overview For Getting a Real Estate License in Ohio
In order to get a real estate license in Ohio, you must first be at least 18 years of age and hold a high school diploma or its equivalent. You must also have no criminal record or felonies as well as a clean record in the real estate industry.
If you satisfy all of those requirements, you can then complete your 120 hours of real estate education. Using either of the above real estate schools will be a good choice for satisfying this requirement. After passing your classes, you must then sign on with a sponsoring real estate broker and complete your real estate license application.
After you have done these steps, you can then take the Ohio real estate exam. Many people find this step to be the most stressful, but if you have gone to a reputable real estate school, you should have no problems.
Final Thoughts
Getting a real estate license requires a lot of effort and knowledge. However, by reading this list of the best online real estate schools in Ohio, you are already starting yourself on the right track. The only thing left to do is decide on the one that will give you the most bang for your buck and help you be successful in your new career.