Getting your real estate license in Mississippi is a big step that requires a lot of thought and foresight. Luckily, there are many real estate schools in Mississippi that can help you on your journey. By doing your research and finding the best online real estate schools in Mississippi that work best for you, you can keep yourself on the right track.
Many people get their real estate license in order to make extra money on the side. Others are looking to make it a full time career. By using this list of the best online real estate schools in Mississippi, you can decide which one will suit your needs and help you reach your individual goals.
1. Colibri Real Estate: Best Online Real Estate School In Mississippi
Colibri Real Estate is one of the most popular and user-friendly online real estate schools in Mississippi. Because of their years of teaching and the breadth of their experience, they are able to make their courses more accessible. This is great for students who are just starting to dip their toe in the world of real estate.
Since 2011, Colibri Real Estate has been helping students navigate the world of real estate licensure. They understand that there are many different learning styles and that not everyone absorbs information the same way. Because of this, they offer a wide variety of online real estate courses in Mississippi.
The packages offered by Colibri Real Estate are varied in their content and price. If you know what kind of learner you are and how you best retain information, you can pick the one that will be suited to you. This is a great feature since not all people have the same learning style or budget for education.
The most basic package that Colibri Real Estate offers will cover the 60 hours of education required by the state of Mississippi. This package comes in at under $150 and comes with state approved instructor support. This means that you can get help from an instructor who is familiar with the laws and codes of the state. Not all real estate schools in Mississippi offer this, so it is a fantastic feature.
They also offer an exam prep-specific course that can help you with the Mississippi state real estate exam. While many real estate schools in Mississippi offer exam prep, Colibri Real Estate has it down to a science. They offer simulations of the actual Mississippi exam that can help you feel more comfortable taking the test.
The most comprehensive package that they offer is the Exam Prep Plus package. This package not only includes the 60 required hours of education, you also receive a live instructor Q&A. Having this kind of experience with Mississippi real estate at your fingertips is an excellent opportunity.
The package variety of Colibri Real Estate real estate classes in Mississippi is one of its best features. Since real estate appeals to people from all walks of life, this is especially appealing. They understand that some people will need more preparation for the test than others and have compartmentalized the course packages to reflect that.
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2. Mbition: Real Estate Schools In Mississippi
Watch the video below for a complete walk-through of he Mbition real estate course:
Mbition is an online real estate school in Mississippi that was previously known as Oncourse Learning. They have been honing their curriculum to help train real estate professionals for years. This dedication to the craft of teaching is what helps set them apart from the rest of the pack.
Through their years of teaching, they have collected a massive library of real estate material. This library is available digitally through their Mbition publishing arm. This library is not only helpful for people getting their license for the first time, it can be helpful as a reference for the rest of their career.
One of the most advantageous features of Mbition’s curriculum is that all the packages offer the Math Master course. Math is possibly the most important skill for a real estate agent to have and one of the things that people struggle with the most. Because of this, Mbition offers some of the most comprehensive math training out of all the online real estate schools in Mississippi.
The packages offered by Mbition are wide ranging and all-inclusive. The most basic silver package includes the 60 hours of real estate education that are required by law. At under $200, this package might be a good choice for someone who is confident in their study skills and self-motivated.
The gold package offered by Mbition is a little more focused on preparing you for the exam than just fulfilling the educational requirements. It includes an official practice exam on top of the general curriculum. This practice exam is incredibly valuable for people who feel that they could benefit from warming up to the actual test.
The platinum package includes everything in the above packages but you also get a hard copy of Real Estate: An Introduction to the Profession, 12th Edition. Many studies have shown that students retain information much better by having a hard copy of a text in front of them. You can also keep using this text as a reference as you move on further in your career.
The gold and platinum packages also offer a pass or no pay guarantee. This guarantee means that if you do not pass the class, then you do not have to pay the tuition. This guarantee could give you peace of mind and help you feel more comfortable, which is always more conducive to learning.
3. Real Estate Training Institute: Mississippi Real Estate Course Online
Real Estate Training Institute has an incredible curriculum that is one of the most complete out of all the real estate schools in Mississippi. Their courses contain everything from contracts and closings to advertising and marketing. They have a dedication to giving their students the most preparation possible for not only the exam but their entire career.
Real Estate Training Institute will fulfill all 60 education hours required by the state. However, unlike other online real estate schools in Mississippi, they have a few different ways you can take your classes. You can take them online in a webinar format, online on-demand, or actual in-person courses.
The curriculum for all their course packages is the same, it is just delivered in different formats. If you feel that you are a self-motivated and independent learner, the on-demand courses may be right for you. You can take the classes on your own time and at your own pace which could work perfectly for the right type of learner.
They also offer live-streamed webinars. This is a great combination of the personal touch of an in-person education and the convenience of online real estate classes in Mississippi. This option might work well for all types of learners.
Unlike many real estate schools in Mississippi, Real Estate Training Institute offers in-person courses in four different locations throughout the state. This might be a great option for someone who feels they could benefit from getting a more hands-on experience with an instructor.
The benefit of an in-person learning experience is that you can directly benefit from the instructor’s experience. All of the instructors at Real Estate Training Institute have been working in the business for years. Knowing that you are getting that real world experience can be instrumental in getting the best possible training for your career.
How to Get A Real Estate License in Mississippi
In order to get your real estate license in Mississippi, there are a few steps you must make sure you take. First, you must be 18 years of age and be a resident of the state. If you meet these requirements, you can then move on to getting your education.
You must receive 60 hours of education at an accredited real estate school in Mississippi. After completing your education, you must then apply for your license. Once your application has been approved, you must then take the Mississippi real estate license exam. If you pass the exam with a score of 75% or more, you will then receive your Mississippi real estate license.
Final Thoughts
Real estate is a rewarding and potentially very lucrative line of work to get into. If you are somebody who enjoys working with people, it could be the right industry for you. With so many opportunities available, getting your license could open up many avenues for income as you advance in your career.
By reading this review of the best online real estate schools in Mississippi, you have already begun the first step toward a new career. With so many options for your education, you are sure to be able to find a school that will fulfill all of your needs. Understanding your learning style and the requirements of the state will help you make the right choice.