You are about to discover the 4 best online real estate schools in Minnesota. Keep reading!
Getting your real estate license can be a big step in your life. In order to make sure that you are getting the best preparation possible, it’s important to find a good real estate school. However, there are many real estate schools out there and it can be difficult to know which one will work for you.
In this article, we have reviewed the best online real estate schools in Minnesota. The real estate market in Minnesota is booming and there has never been a better time to get in on the ground floor. By understanding what each of these schools can do for you, you can take the best possible route.
1. Colibri Real Estate: Best Online Real Estate School In Minnesota
The video below is an extensive look into the Colibri Real Estate online school:
Colibri Real Estate is one of the most popular online real estate schools in Minnesota. They have experience with teaching all kinds of students since their inception in 1996. This kind of longevity in the industry has allowed them to provide top-notch education.
Course Features
The most basic education package at Colibri Real Estate covers the 90 required education hours in the state of Minnesota. This is a great package for someone who is disciplined and able to keep themselves on track. At just over $400, it is a good choice if you feel confident in your ability to learn on your own.
Colibri Real Estate also offers comprehensive exam prep that tops other real estate schools in Minnesota. They have two exam prep packages that are specifically tailored to the Minnesota state real estate exam. With both of them coming in at around $500, they are a great option if you are slightly nervous about taking the exam.
The Ultimate Learning Package is one of the most comprehensive packages offered by any real estate school in Minnesota. One of the best features of this package is that it comes with a one year Professional Development Membership. This membership gives you access to their Career Hub and other networking opportunities not available at other real estate schools in Minnesota. While this package is slightly more expensive, coming in at just under $600, it might be worth it.
Pros and Cons
- Pro – Popular and Accessible: Every year, Colibri Real Estate serves tens of thousands of students. They have developed their curriculum to be accessible and easy to understand; this can go a long way with students who might not be as academically inclined as others.
- Pro – Instructor Assistance: They feature some of the most hands-on experiences out of all the online real estate courses in Minnesota. They achieve this by offering Q&As with instructors who are currently working in the business in Minnesota. Having that kind of insight into the market is incredibly valuable for any newcomer.
- Pro – Success Guaranteed: These packages also include the coveted pass or no pay guarantee. What this means is that if you don’t pass the course’s final exam, you don’t have to pay the tuition. This can be a great feature for those who need a little extra peace of mind throughout the whole process.
Bottom Line
Not every new real estate agent gets access to these kinds of connections and opportunities. For that reason and many others, Colibri Real Estate is the best course to choose if you want to start your real estate career quickly and successfully.
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2. The CE Shop: Real Estate Schools In Minnesota
The video below is a complete walk-through of The CE Shop school:
The CE Shop is an incredibly well known real estate school in Minnesota. They have been working with students, as well as other real estate schools in Minnesota, to develop their curriculum and processes. Their platform is used all over the world and in a wide variety of industries.
Course Features
The CE Shop offers many different education packages for students. Having options for how you learn the content is key for many students. No two learning styles are alike and they understand this. Not all online real estate classes in Minnesota offer so many different choices.
- Their Basic package does not have many of the bells and whistles that other online real estate classes have. However, it will still satisfy the 90-hour education requirements you need in the state of Minnesota. If you just need a bare-bones education experience, this option could work for you.
- The CE Shop’s Value Package is possibly their best deal. At just over $500, it includes many career resources and extra exam prep. You will also receive a Business Building course that many students find to be incredibly helpful when trying to get their bearings in the world of real estate.
- The Premium Package, however, is their most comprehensive. This includes everything listed above as well as a 15-hour Minnesota-specific continuing education course. This satisfies the requirements of renewing your license for the first time. Because of this, it could end up saving you money in the long run.
Pros and Cons
- Pro – Satisfied Students: Compared to other schools, The CE Shop has an incredibly high pass rate for its students. They are able to boast a 91% rate of success for students who have gone through their online real estate courses in Minnesota. This is an incredibly high graduation percentage, and it explains why this course also has a 96% student satisfaction rate.
- Pro – Extra Credit: With some of their more comprehensive packages, you also receive a collection of business eBooks written by experts in Minnesota real estate. These resources can be a treasure trove of information. Because of this, they can continue to be of use to you long after you pass your Minnesota state real estate exam.
- Con – Audio Lessons: Unfortunately, this course doesn’t offer any kind of audio lectures, podcasts, or lessons. This isn’t a huge deal if you prefer video instruction, but it’s an essential resource for many students who prefer to multitask while studying for their exams.
Bottom Line
The CE Shop offers more than just exam prep. Signing up for the Value or Premium version of this course will provide you with enough extra material to start your real estate business the right way and minimize any mistakes that could cost you a lot of time and money.
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3. Prep Agent: Minnesota Real Estate Course Online Review
This course is a good choice if you have a year to prepare for your exam, but it’s also a decent pick if you only have a few months and want to become prepared as soon as possible.
Course Features
- 100+ video and audio lessons
- Digital flashcards and other vocabulary building exercises
- Money-back guarantee
- Weekly, monthly, or yearly subscriptions
- Live and pre-recorded webinars (Premium only)
Pros and Cons
- Pro – Flexible Schedule: Whether you only have a week or you can spend several months learning about real estate, Prep Agent has an affordable study package you can benefit from. This helps you avoid having to pay for more than you actually want to spend on your study budget.
- Pro – Vocabulary Builder: A large part of Prep Agent’s curriculum is made up of vocabulary building exercises. In addition to helping you pass your licensing exam, memorizing these terms will help you effectively communicate in a professional environment.
- Con – Limited Content: Compared to Colibri Real Estate, there’s not nearly as much education content for you to work through. Even their Premium course offers far less than one of Colibri Real Estate mid-range courses.
Bottom Line
Choose Prep Agent if you’re interested in cramming for your exam, or if you want a cheap subscription to live webinars as a supplement to one of the better courses listed above.
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4. Kaplan Real Estate Education: Minnesota Real Estate Classes Online
Kaplan has been teaching students the ins and outs of Minnesota real estate for over 30 years. Their curriculum has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Commerce. Having that kind of confidence in a real estate school in Minnesota is of the utmost importance.
Kaplan is unlike other online real estate schools in Minnesota in that they offer both live webinars and on-demand self-guided courses. Many other online real estate schools in Minnesota only have the self-guided type of class structure. Because of this, Kaplan may be your best choice if you are a hands-on earner.
The state of Minnesota does things a little differently than other states and Kaplan Real Estate Education understands this and has adjusted accordingly. In Minnesota, you must complete only 30 hours of the total 90 hours required in order to take the exam. Kaplan allows you to purchase the 30 hour courses separately in order to offset some of the cost.
You can also mix and match courses with both live webinars and on-demand. No other real estate schools in Minnesota on this list offer that. This is a great option if you want to try out both and see which kind of class format works best for you.
The first 30 hour class package will run you just over $300 for the on demand option. Because of this low price, you can spread out the cost of getting your real estate license over a long period of time. Many students find this to be incredibly helpful instead of having to pay for all 90 hours up front.
You can also pay for the entire 90 hours all at once. For this, you have a choice of live webinar or on demand. The live webinar is Around $1,100 for the premium, Career Builder Package. In this case, the on-demand version of this package is almost $100 less. If you feel that you are the right type of learner for on-demand, this could be a great choice for you.
5. Continuing Ed Express: Real Estate License MN Online Course Review
Continuing Ed Express is well versed in Minnesota real estate due to the deep experience of their instructor pool. They pull talent from all over the country as well as right in the heart of Minnesota to teach their online courses. Having that kind of broad experience to pull from benefits their students immeasurably.
They offer a sort of hybrid education experience to their students. While most of it is completely based on demand, you also have the benefit of instructor support. Many students find this to be incredibly valuable and that it makes the entire process much easier.
Continuing Ed Express offers one package for their students. This includes all of the on-demand lessons as well as their trademark eFlashcard study tool. This tool is very useful for retaining the information you need for the state real estate exam.
The thing that makes the courses at Continuing Ed Express so unique is their commitment to hands-on learning. Having a specific instructor for your on-demand courses who can answer questions is a great feature. This ensures that you won’t feel left behind or in the dark should an issue arise.
The package offered by Continuing Ed Express comes in at around $580. This is just about on par with the other online real estate schools in Minnesota. Because of this, you may want to consider using them based on their experienced instructors alone.
Unlike some other online real estate classes in Minnesota, Continuing Ed Express offers a satisfaction guarantee. This is different from the pass or no pay guarantee in that it ensures that you will feel it is money well spent. This is incredibly important for students who are getting their real estate license on the side and might be more careful with money.
How to Get Your Real Estate License in Minnesota
Minnesota has different requirements than many other states when it comes to getting your real estate license. Most states require you to complete your entire education before you are allowed to take the exam. However, in Minnesota it is broken up into pieces.
You must first complete 30-hours of approved real estate classes in Minnesota. After you have completed these hours, you may then take the Minnesota state real estate exam. Because of the way it is broken down, this first set of hours will focus on the basics covered in the exam.
After you have passed the exam, you must complete two additional 30-hour blocks of education. These blocks will be more focused on career building and the best practices of working in the real estate business.
After you have completed your entire education, you must sign on with a real estate broker. This broker will then help you apply for your license, which you must do after signing on. Once you have done this, you are ready to sell real estate in the state of Minnesota.
Final Thoughts
While getting your real estate license is not an easy task, it can certainly be worth it. Minnesota’s real estate market is booming and there will always be a need for high-quality real estate agents. By taking the best real estate classes in Minnesota that you can find, you can be as prepared as possible.
By reading this review of the best online real estate schools in Minnesota, you have already begun the process. The only thing left to do now is figure out which one will best suit your learning style and help you meet your goals.