Are you looking to find the best online real estate schools in Massachusetts? Here is the information you need in one convenient location!
Now seems to be a good time to pursue a real estate license in Massachusetts. With so many people stuck at home or with cancelled activities, they have extra time.
There are more and more real estate schools that are offering online and virtual classes during this time. This also means a price drop as well as added flexibility on both sides.
But how do you begin to find an accredited real estate school in Massachusetts without hours of online searching?
We have done the hard part for you. We have rounded up the nine best online real estate schools in Massachusetts.
They are all here in one place with the most important things that potential students need to know.
Do keep in mind that some of these schools may not continue offering virtual webinars after the first of the year.
1. Colibri Real Estate: Best Real Estate School In Massachusetts
Our top pick for best online real estate schools in Massachusetts is Colibri Real Estate. They are by far the best choice if you’re looking to get a real estate license in the state of Massachusetts.
Best Packages
Colibri Real Estate has three amazing bundled packages with each giving you everything you will need to pass the Massachusetts real estate license exam. Several of the packages even offer exam prep, prep for success, boot camp, and even printed course textbooks!
Modern Learning Platform
When you’re looking at a real estate school you want to be sure that their learning platform is up to date and modern. The platform that Colibri Real Estate uses to deliver their course content is one of the best on the market. The easy to navigate interface will provide you with the latest technology making your learning experience as smooth as possible.
Decades Of Experience
Colibri Real Estate is one of the oldest online real estate schools on the market. This means they have had the time to perfect online learning and they pass this experience on to their students. You can be sure that when you’re using Colibri Real Estate for your real estate education that you’re working with one of the most reputable schools in the industry.
Pass Or Don’t Pay
Probably one of the best things that Colibri Real Estate offers is their “Pass Or Don’t Pay Guarantee”. This guarantee takes all the pressure off when taking the state exam because you know if you don’t pass, they will refund your purchase price. (this guarantee available on their top 3 packages)
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2. The CE Shop: Online Real Estate Class In Massachusetts
One of the better online real estate schools in Massachusetts is The CE Shop. They are a very well known name in real estate schools in Massachusetts.
This is a completely online and on-demand class. There are no live webinars that students need to attend.
Every aspect of this school is on-demand, which is different from other online real estate schools in Massachusetts.
The CE Shop real estate schools in Massachusetts has a 91% passing rate nationally for students. This is very high.
That means that students have a very good chance of passing the exam the first time. Since choosing to go to any of the real estate schools in Massachusetts is an investment passing is a must.
The high passing rate could account, somewhat, for the 96% satisfaction rate of the students as well. Along with the great customer service.
Like many of the real estate schools in Massachusetts The CE Shop offers different packages to meet different needs.
There are three packages to choose from. They all offer the 40 hours of course work required for Massachusetts residents.
They all also include exam prep and practice questions. But the two higher packages offer business building courses.
With the highest package offering continuing education. Prices do vary and The CE Shop is one of the higher priced real estate schools in Massachusetts.
The lowest priced package $328.30 while the highest priced package is $433.30. These are sale prices.
However the success rate and student satisfaction is worth the price.
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3. All ONLINE Real Estate Academy: Online Real Estate Courses In MA
One of the completely online real estate schools in Massachusetts is the All ONLINE Real Estate Academy.
When you land on their website the first look seems very basic. But very easy to use.
They immediately tell you the packages they offer and the pricing. You will have to scroll down to make sure that you get all of the details.
There are videos you can watch as well to get further information.
One thing you need to note is that while this is a completely online program, there are live classes you have to attend.
Of the eight online real estate classes in Massachusetts that you have to complete, four of them are live webinars.
These live webinars are offered on certain days at certain times. They do have a variety of offerings that add some flexibility.
The on-demand classes can be taken whenever you want. They can also be paused and picked up in the same place later.
They do offer two different packages for their real estate classes in Massachusetts.
The first option is the Sales Person only class. This one is very basic. You get the classes, the ebook, and six months of access.
This option is budget friendly costing only $175. If you are motivated, study well on your own, and test well then you will be able to use this option.
The next option is the Sales Person plus exam prep. This is the option that really helps you prepare for your exam.
Along with practice questions and a study guide it also includes 12 hours of continuing education.
This package is a good value costing only $225.
4. Accelerated Real Estate School: Online Real Estate Training in Massachusetts
When needing to take online real estate classes in Massachusetts it would be a good idea to look at Accelerated Real Estate School.
It is important to keep in mind that these online real estate classes in Massachusetts are only online for the time being.
Their website specifically states that these are not traditional online classes. They are a live webinar and must be attended at the scheduled time.
The good news is that these online real estate classes in Massachusetts are done over two weekends.
This is a very fast way to get your pre-licensure coursework done. That is why they are called Accelerated Real Estate School.
This is one of the fastest ways to prepare for the exam and get the requirements done. It is also rather inexpensive.
This course, that happens over two weekends, is only $199 to take. This is at the lower end of the price range for real estate classes in Massachusetts.
When it comes to real estate schools in Massachusetts they do have some of the same benefits.
They offer practice questions as well as providing students with a TIPS book to help you prepare for taking the exam.
Registration is open for the next couple of webinar classes. Make sure you look at the dates closely before you register because you do have to attend in person.
They also offer brokerage licensing and are working on launching their own continuing education classes.
5. Metropolitan School of Real Estate: Real Estate School in Massachusetts
Metropolitan School of Real Estate is another one of the real estate schools in Massachusetts that has recently been permitted to offer online real estate courses in Massachusetts.
Previously this school was not accredited for online courses. This meant they could only offer in-person classes.
However, with Covid coming on the scene, the state of Massachusetts has allowed the school to offer live online classes.
These online real estate classes in Massachusetts are not on-demand. They must be taken during the offered class time to receive credit.
One of their top instructors will be teaching the live online courses. They are offered daily over the course of a week.
The times are from 10 am to 5:30 pm over a six day period. The days will depend on which course you choose.
The class does come with features and benefits for the students.
Each class comes with the education certificate as well as the ebook for the course containing all of the information you need to know.
If you would rather have the physical copy then you can purchase one separately. Only the ebook is included.
Students also receive 12 months of access which allows them to review all of the videos and lessons.
This school does have a real estate brokerage partner. Students have the option to take a career seminar during a break. This will open them up for being hired by the partner firm.
There is also the possibility to have your tuition reimbursed. If you are interested make sure you ask for details.
Another perk is ½ price retakes. If you don’t end up taking the exam within the two year window you will have to take the classes again.
This school allows retakes for half of the price. Since the course is $350 that is a great deal if you don’t take the exam in time.
6. Keep Me Certified Real Estate School: Massachusetts Online Real Estate Course Review
Keep Me Certified Real Estate School is one of the best online real estate schools in Massachusetts.
There are a few reasons for their popularity among online real estate students. One of those reasons is the fact that it is partly on-demand.
Portions of this course can be taken from anywhere at any time including from your phone.
Having a complete and accredited 40 hour course at your fingertips is something that is something that makes learning real estate so much easier.
The Keep Me Certified Real Estate School does offer two plans to choose from. They vary slightly from each other as do the prices.
Both of the courses come with the 40 hours required by the state, e-book, 200 practice questions, PSI exam topic outline for the final, PSI handbook, wall certificate, and 12 months of access.
In addition to these features the success plan also comes with 12 hours of continuing education and the real estate transactions course.
Both of them come with a bonus item. They come with bridging the gap course.
The basic plan is $199 while the success plan is $297. The success plan is their most popular plan because the first year of CE is already taken care of.
Another reason it is so popular is the transactions course. This course goes through real world deals and transactions to better prepare students for the first sales of their career.
7. Professional Real Estate Training Institute: Online Real Estate Classes in Massachusetts
Professional Real Estate Training Institute historically is not one of the real estate schools in Massachusetts that offers online programs.
Most of their classes are usually done in person on set days. While there has always been some flexibility because of the days that are offered, there has never been an online option.
However, Covid-19 has changed that and now Professional Real Estate Training Institute offers online real estate courses in Massachusetts.
With that being said, they are not your typical on-demand real estate classes. They have simply taken the in-person model and put it all on a webinar.
As far as students and staff know, they will be utilizing the webinar model until further notice but at least until the end of the year.
You can go ahead and sign up for the webinar that you would like to take even if it starts in December.
Not only does this school offer the pre-licensure courses that are required to become a licensed real estate agent but also continuing education.
This is great for agents that are already licensed but need their post-licensure courses. Not all of the online real estate schools in Massachusetts offer post training so this is a benefit for students.
Another benefit they offer is pay once but take the course as many times as you need as long as it is course one through four.
Being able to take a course again if you didn’t completely understand the material is an invaluable tool for students.
The prices of the classes are also more affordable now that they are webinar format. In-person classes were $370 but now the online version is $185.
This makes the classes available to more students.
8. Freedom Trail Realty School Review: Online Real Estate Course in MA
Freedom Trail Realty School has a claim to fame in Massachusetts. They were the very first online real estate school in Massachusetts to be approved by the Massachusetts real estate board.
This allowed them to get ahead of the curve by offering online real estate courses in Massachusetts before anyone else.
Because of these they still carry the popularity that comes from being the first. They are one of the best online real estate schools in Massachusetts.
While this is a fully online real estate school, not every class is on-demand. They actually have some live stream courses.
At first, this may seem like a hassle because you still have to log in at a certain time, it is a benefit to students.
Being able to ask live professor questions without needing to be in a classroom will go a long way toward your success.
This online course does have mobile capabilities that will allow the students to access the material anywhere. They can work on their phones or other mobile devices when needed.
It is important that a prospective student would be able to work through a course while on a lunch break or while traveling.
Part of the flexibility that they offer is the ability to be completely self-paced. Completing the course of the students schedule is part of the appeal of online courses.
Because they are so confident in their course and the method they use they offer a guarantee. They are one of the only online real estate schools in Massachusetts to offer a pass or don’t pay guarantee.
If you don’t pass the test on the first try then they will refund the money you paid on the course. There are terms and conditions so make sure you look at those first.
9. American Real Estate Academy: Online Real Estate Schools in Massachusetts
American Real Estate Academy is one of the best online real estate schools in Massachusetts. They have a reputation for quality, effective learning.
This school is set up for those that have no experience or background in real estate. They do state on the website that if you have a license that is lapsed there is a different process.
You will need to contact a certain part of the department of licensure before you are able to register. You will have to take the classes again but there is a process to go through.
Historically some of the classes were offered as a combination class rather than a fully online course. But due to the current health situation globally, they are offering a class that is completely online.
This is good news for students that want to choose this school but have scheduling conflicts. Those are no longer any issues.
However, they do still offer in-person course offerings for those that want to continue in a classroom environment.
The in-person option has either weekday classes or weekend classes. You have to choose at registration.
The online courses are more affordable. In fact, you will save $150 by choosing the online option.
With online classes, there will be eight classes that you will need to watch. Four of those are on-demand while the other four are live streaming.
There is a schedule for these classes so there is still flexibility but you will need to attend during the time you choose.
But the good news is that if you miss a scheduled live streaming class, there will be an opportunity for a make up class. This will just slow your progress.
All of the classes have the same things offered. They have practice exams, questions, e-books needed for the course, and unlimited access to the material for review for two years.
10. New England Real Estate Academy: Massachusetts RE Online Course
When it comes to real estate schools in Massachusetts the New England Real Estate Academy is one of the top schools. You can be approved to take these courses even if you don’t have prior experience in real estate.
They offer a flexibility that is appreciated among real estate students in Massachusetts. While some schools are only online or only in person, New England Real Estate Academy actually offers three options.
Options are important when trying to choose the online real estate schools in Massachusetts that are right for you.
The first option we will talk about is the online option. This is not just on-demand videos and quizzes.
This option is a combination of both online videos and live online webinars. This gives you the interaction you need to learn and do well on the test as well as some flexibility with your schedule.
There are no paper materials that you will need for this class. They have provided everything that you will need online.
For the online option there is a morning series and an evening series. You can choose which one will fit better with your current lifestyle.
There are only five sessions and they will be provided weekly for five days. This is one way to get your 40 hours of pre-licensure courses.
The online course, whether morning or evening, also has over 500 practice questions to help you prepare for the exam.
One of the other options is a combination of classroom learning and online learning. This isn’t as flexible as online learning but it is more flexible than full classroom learning.
The online part of the combination class is self-paced and allows you to work the course into your schedule easily.
The last option is full classroom learning. This is not flexible and you must be able to attend. They do offer various schedules to help you fit the course into your lifestyle.
Massachusetts Real Estate License Requirements
There are five basic steps to becoming a real estate agent in Massachusetts. Before we talk about those we do need to mention the pre-requirements.
If you are not 18 years old or you don’t have a social security number you won’t be able to become a real estate agent.
The first step is taking the 40 hours of pre-licensure coursework and passing the final exam.
After this you have to apply to take your state licensing test. This will require three endorsements from non-relatives.
Once you are approved you will test. Upon passing you will need a sponsoring broker for your first year at least.