Welcome to Real Estate Schooler. The #1 resource people use to find the best real estate schools in the country.
Unlike other sites that mention real estate schools, our only focus is on providing in-depth analysis of all the real estate schools in the United States. There is no other website that does this.
Our review process is very thorough. Unlike other sites that give brief information and no research about a particular school, we have a team does in-depth research. Here is the process we use to rate and review each real estate school:
- We first look for real estate schools in each state.
- We then compile each state’s data into a state by state list.
- Then we give the school’s information to our team of researchers.
- A member of our research team contacts every real estate school to check response times and to get detailed information about the school and its class offerings.
- Our team then does in-depth research into the real estate school.
- Then a member of our research writers team compiles the data and creates the review of the real estate school. (locate all real estate school reviews here)
- The review gets published and is searchable on our site.
As you can see, our process is very thorough and the end result is a wealth of information to help you, our reader, to make an informed decision and find the best real estate school for you!